Budha Johar History

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Shaheeds Sukha Singh, Mehtab Singh

Daring deeds Khalsa ploy,
Evil they always destroy.

Bhai Sukha Singh belonged to the village Mari Kamboki and Bhai Mehtab Singh belonged to the village Meeran Kote, both in the district of Amritsar. These two brave saint soldiers are famous for their daring deed of cutting the head of an evil man, Massa Rangar who was desecrating the Golden Temple in 1740.

Zakaria Khan, irritated by the Sikhs’ resistance and his failure to subdue them, obtained the orders from Nadar Shah Durrani to annihilate the Sikhs from Punjab. Accordingly, it was advertised that if a person helps to catch or kill a Sikh, he would be rewarded handsomely. To steal and rob from Sikhs was made legal.

These orders of the government motivated many greedy people to become traitors. Cart-loads of severed heads of the Sikhs were sent to Lahore by such people to win government rewards. These traitors included Harbhagat Niranjania Chowdhary (a petty village official) of Majitha, Chowdhary of Noshaira Pannu, and Chowdhary Massa Rangar of Mandiali. Of all these men, Massa was the most notorious and in charge of the Amritsar circle. He desecrated the Golden Temple by smoking and drinking inside there while watching dancing girls. Armed watchmen were posted around for his safety.

When the Sikhs in Bikaner heard about the desecration of their holy place of worship they became very angry. Bhai Sukha Singh and Bhai Mehtab Singh decided to go to Amritsar and stop the desecration. When they reached the gates of the city, they obtained baked-clay pots and broke them into small pieces. The broken clay pieces were rounded to look like coins of those days. The “coins” were put in small bags and the Sikhs, dressed as village land revenue collectors, were ready to perform their task.

During those days, collectors would obtain revenue from the people of the villages in their charge and deposit the money with the local administrator who would send the collections to Lahore. The land revenue was paid in the form of coins of different values.

Khalsa are the daring, brave and smart saint soldiers of the Akal Purakh to fight against the oppression by the tyrants.

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